Provision of evidence-based exercise and nutrition services in standard oncology care is rare despite national and international calls for widespread implementation. The resultant evidence-to-practice gap means most patients do not receive optimal care, especially in regional areas where accessibility is a known issue. Research is needed to understand and address implementation determinants for exercise and nutrition services in regional oncology care.
This mixed-methods study is a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of exercise and nutrition referrals in oncology care in the South West region of Western Australia. The three-year trial employs a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, is governed by Stakeholder and Consumer Advisory Councils, and is guided by the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation and Sustainment Framework (EPIS). Exploration: We will use clinical audits, patient surveys, interviews and focus groups to identify existing service gaps and elicit patients’ experiences of receiving care, including mapping existing exercise and nutrition services currently available in the region. Preparation: Using the information collected during the Exploration phase, and in consultation with a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, we will develop a referral system and supporting implementation and evaluation strategies to integrate exercise and nutrition services into standard oncology care. Implementation and Sustainment: We will test the effectiveness of the referral system in routine practice, monitoring for necessary adaptations to ensure best-fit solutions. The exploration phase is currently underway.
The study will assess the implementation and effectiveness of an integrated referral pathway for exercise and nutrition services in oncology care in regional Australia. Findings from this study will inform future efforts to provide optimal supportive cancer care for all people living with and beyond cancer and improve health outcomes for people receiving cancer treatment in regional settings.