Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

Co-designing the CanSupport Program with carers of people with cancer in Australia (#355)

Reema Harrison 1 , Bronwyn Newman 1 , Bróna Nic Giolla Easpaig 2 , Lucy Jones 3 , Lukas Hofstätter 4 , Judith Johnson 5
  1. Australian Institute of Health Innovation , Macquarie University, Sydney
  2. Faculty of Health, Charles Darwin University, Sydney
  3. Neuroblastoma Australia, Sydney
  4. Carers NSW Australia, Sydney
  5. School of Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Aims: The provision of cancer care is reliant on the contribution of carers, who form an integral part of the care team. Carers simultaneously negotiate the challenges of being a family member experiencing distress due to their loved one’s illness, while also managing stressors associated with caregiving.  A review of reviews demonstrates the lack of programs designed to help prepare carers. In partnership with carers, support organisations and health professionals we sought to tailor an existing evidence-based resilience building intervention for use with carers in Australia.

Methods: An experienced-based co-design (EBCD) approach was employed, co-facilitated by consumer and academic facilitators. Co-design members were carers (n= 3), and a clinician alongside the support of a consumer co-facilitator. Two co-design workshops totaling 4 hours were conducted, followed by 5 hours of consultation with three stakeholder groups including 13 participants associated with carer support and consumer organisations. Sample sizes for were determined by EBCD best practice and data saturation. Transcripts from the co-design and consultation processes, along with fieldnotes and feedback from contributors were thematically analyzed.  

Results: Four themes were identified to guide program development: clarifying what the program offers; increasing user-friendliness; considering shared and unique elements of carer journeys, and further embedding support. This resulted in the co-development of a novel program for caregivers: “CanSupport”. This is designed to facilitate the development of valuable resilience-promoting skills and strategies in preparation for caregiving. CanSupport is a multi-component intervention consisting of workbook activities, interactive peer workshops and personalized one-to-one coaching.

Conclusion: This innovative program of work combines the efforts of carers, carer support organisations and researchers to creatively respond to a community-identified gap in existing services. The process resulted in adaptations to program content and delivery to ensure CanSupport is relevant and fit for purpose. Program piloting and trialing will follow.