Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

Developing strategies for safe and effective integration of Integrative Oncology programs and Wellbeing centres  into comprehensive cancer care in Australia  (#371)

Judith Lacey 1 2 3 , Kim Kerin-Ayres 1 , Suzanne Grant 1 2 , Justine Stehn 1 , Geraldine McDonald 4
  1. Chris O'Brien Lifehouse Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Camperdown, NSW, Australia
  2. NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney university , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  3. The University of Sydney, Sydney
  4. Prevention & Wellbeing, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Aim: To develop key recommendations to guide safe and effective integration of Integrative Oncology programs into comprehensive cancer care in Australia and identify advocacy strategies.


Background: The development of Integrative Oncology (IO) can be considered as a natural evolution and needed contribution to caring for the whole person with cancer from the time of diagnosis and beyond. Services using various models to deliver IO have been developed globally to meet patient demand and address the growing population of people living with cancer. 

To build sustainable IO services which are part of standard oncology care, advocacy to our local and national governing bodies whether government, health service providers, funding bodies or a combination of these is essential. Advocacy for funding with increasingly challenging health budgets, clarity around workforce skills, training and credentialing, research and affordable service provision is required to enable the seamless integration into comprehensive cancer care. 


Method: National representatives from the major IO and wellbeing services aided by external independent academics and consumer advocates collaborated to develop and publish a White Paper, Integrative Oncology and Wellbeing Centres in Cancer Care, to start a national conversation.


Results: The White Paper set out key priorities for making Integrative Oncology accessible and affordable to more Australians including developing a national strategy, accredited training programs, cost-effective delivery of therapies and ongoing investment in research. It was launched formally at national parliament late 2022 and endorsed by many key institutions.

Different models in Australia of IO and wellness service were identified demonstrating alignment with key principles of the Australia cancer plan. Six key recommendations to progress integration, and safety in development of services were made. Barriers and facilitators identified.


Conclusions: Six key recommendations will be used as a point of reference to identify shared experience and how we can work together to articulate a clear advocacy and service development strategy.