Background: Clinical research is vital to the development of new anticancer treatments, yet only ~5% of cancer patients in Australia participate in an oncology clinical trial1. In the context of increasing numbers of clinical trials in Australia, a shift toward precision medicine, and an improvement in objective response rates, there is now a unique opportunity to increase clinical trials enrolment and provide access to further treatment options for cancer patients. However, from a patient perspective, the complexity of the clinical trials landscape continues to provide a major barrier to participation.
The problem: The ability to consider, let alone participate in clinical trials throughout a person’s cancer journey is hampered by multiple barriers from the patient, clinician and structural perspectives including awareness, accessibility, language, time, and resources. Existing clinical trial navigation tools are either designed with a clinician-centric only approach, operate on a fee-for-service basis, do not allow for real-time updating of clinical trial information or are optimised for clinical trial locations outside of Australia. Hence there is a need for a simple to use, up to date navigation tool that assists a cancer patient in identifying appropriate trials relevant for their condition and in their decision to join, and remain engaged, in a clinical trial.
The solution: Developed by researchers from Garvan Institute of Medical Research and driven by co-design methodology with multidisciplinary clinicians and cancer patients, our digital cancer clinical trials navigator tool curates a personalised list of trial matches for each patient. Informed by qualitative patient interview data, it will further provide decision-making and survivorship support to facilitate greater participation in clinical trials. This scalable solution further facilitates our understanding of the patient population whereby de-identified cohort data provides insights into real world treatment patterns as well as patient and clinician perspectives.