Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

SEAT AT THE TABLE: Elevating consumers to be more than storytellers (#287)

Vicki Durston 1 , Amanda Winiata 1 , Siobhan Dunne 1 , Rae Clifton 1 , Victoria White 2
  1. Breast Cancer Network Australia, Richmond, VIC, Australia
  2. Deakin University , Melbourne , VIC, Australia


Consumer engagement is a critical step in developing and delivering effective, person-centred health care. Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA) Seat at the Table (SATT) program is unique in how it recruits and trains consumer representatives (CRs) to engage with stakeholders across Australia and internationally. There is significant distinction between an individual consumer perspective and that of trained CRs who represent the broader cancer experience. In 2022, BCNA reviewed its training program to maintain its position as a leading cancer consumer organisation providing highly capable and effective CRs.


To update the curriculum, demonstrate its effectiveness in building CR’s capacity to effectively engage in their role and elevate the SATT program.


A CR working group was established to support the curriculum review and co-design. Instructional design processes were utilised, including multimedia tools and resources.

A hybrid training of online courses and an in-person workshop was trialled with 16 newly recruited CRs. Participants completed pre and post training surveys assessing their knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Evaluation outcomes were analysed by Deakin University to inform a cycle of continuous improvement for future participants.


Post training, 90% of participants rated their knowledge of the training topics as high or very high compared to 31% in pre-evaluations. As CRs progressed through the curriculum, an increasing number felt more confident about taking on the role.


The refreshed SATT training program is effective in increasing knowledge and confidence of CRs to engage with stakeholders across the sector. The innovative CR training could be adapted for delivery to other cancer or health consumer organisations to build a greater connection between the lived experience and decision-making, and contribute to meaningful research, change in policy, service delivery and health outcomes.  BCNA is well positioned as leaders to support effective consumer engagement in external projects, research, and activities.