We reviewed 65 patients attended our monthly psycho oncology clinic from 2017 -2021. 65% were females and 35 % were males and 55% were below 65 and 45% were above 65 years of age. Most common cancer was breast (32%) followed up by lung and colorectal and around 25% had metastatic cancer. More than half of the patients (54%) attended the clinic within 12 months of the cancer diagnosis, out of that 15% within 3 months and 16% in 6 months of the cancer diagnosis. Most common psychiatric diagnosis was adjustment disorder (52%), followed by depression (14%) and nil psychiatry 12%. 54% did not have any past history of mental illness and 40% had past history of mental illness. Negative in 43 % and 28% had positive family history. Around 55% had no significant substance use history. Majority (82%) had social supports and among that 66% were partners only 18% had no social supports. Among the interventions, 42% received psychological therapy (like mindfulness, acceptance commitment therapy, meaning centered therapy, psycho education etc.), 14% received pharmacotherapy mainly and 45% received both. Most of them (68%) had follow up to 3 months. 51% were from within 7 km radius and 49% were within 20 to 100 km radius. Seventeen percent had the onset of emotional problem immediately after the diagnosis and 32% had within 1 month to 12 months period.
The findings suggest that our clinic represents equal number of adult and aged cancer patients. The higher prevalence of adjustment disorder over major mental illnesses with no significant past, family or substance use history indicates that the psychological impact of cancer. This is further supported by the higher utilization of psychological therapy. The clinic's proximity to patients' homes indicates that we are providing care closer to home. Further improving access to all cancer patients within 3 month is our future goal.